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More cheap gas scooters InformationE-Max 90S and E-Max 110S electric scooters – All you need to know! - iCars SingaporeMon, 19 Jan 2009 03:56:36 GMT
Dear Insurance Agent, You Are Not Going To Believe ThisWed, 21 Jan 2009 18:53:16 +0200
How do you explain this to your insurance company?
Natural causes? Meteor strike? Bad luck?
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Let's Talk used scootersWatch Your Speed-Even though a scooter won't put you over about 35 miles per hour, it doesn't mean you have to use all the power of the bike. Watching your speed and making sure you're going slow enough to watch for hazardous things in the road is another important part of scooter safety.
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The spark must occur at the right time. Just about all scooters made since around 1980 have an electronic ignition. These systems can rarely be set. In general, the spark occurs just before the piston reaches the top of it's stroke. There is a slight delay between the spark plug fire and the fuel-air mixture ignition. That's why the spark occurs a little early. Most ignition systems have an advance unit build in. As the engine speeds up, the time of the spark retards a little bit. This helps the engine fire the mixture at the proper time.
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Most of the time a speedometer will quit working because your speedometer cable is broken. Most of the time, the speedometer cable breaks 5-6 inches from its connection at the front wheel. It tends to break here because of the bend in the cable and the exposure to the elements (water and dirt) near the front wheel. The good news is that new speedometer cables are cheap and are not difficult to replace.
I Have Trouble Getting My Scooter On Its Center Stand
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The Latest used scooters NewsMotorcycle For The CrisisWed, 28 Jan 2009 13:23:32 +0200
For the next fuel crisis (shortly now), is this the motorcycle we will all be riding?
Ducati Motorcycle Manuals On-lineMon, 26 Jan 2009 17:23:18 +0200
Ducati are now offering their owner manuals on-line, and downloadable for all their motorcycle models since the year 2000.
The service is free, and available in many different languages.
Harley-Davidson Original Publicity StuntThu, 22 Jan 2009 19:16:46 +0200
Harley-Davidson Switzerland had an original idea to introduce their latest motorcycles to the country of cheese and banks.
They placed motorcycle grips on the tram's handlebars. Not bad idea!
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