250 to 300cc motor scooters Information
electric scooter Article Of The MonthTips on Purchasing a Heavy Duty Mobility Scooter
By Amy Wells
If you've recently decided to purchase a mobility scooter, you may be confused about all of the choices and models that are available. You can choose either gas or electric power, 3 or 4 wheels, and compact or lightweight models. Because of its comfort and stability, if you are looking for a long-term mobility solution, than a heavy duty mobility scooter may be the choice for you.
Heavy duty scooters are classified as such primarily because they have a heavier capacity than a regular scooter. Most scooters will have a weight capacity of 200-300 lbs, but heavy duty mobility scooters will carry an average of 300-500 lbs. The weight capacity of the scooter should be one of your first considerations when narrowing down the type and model of the scooter. If you are in doubt, its better to go up to the next capacity so you'll be comfortable.
Many models of heavy duty scooters are the 4 wheel models, although some 3 wheels are classified as heavy duty as well. The 4 wheel models usually offer more stability and support, and while storage may be an issue, if you do have plenty of storage room, than this type of scooter will probably be a good fit.
One of the primary considerations when purchasing a scooter is feelings of comfort. Heavy duty models usually have large seats and better suspension than more lightweight models. If you suffer from arthritis or other types of ailments, you will want to make sure your scooter offers a comfortable ride for your physical condition, and a heavy duty scooter will usually provide more support.
Popular heavy duty mobility scooter models include Pride and Shoprider, although there are many others to choose from. The price range is usually a bit more than on a standard mobility scooter, but you can still get a good deal if you comparison shop. Many companies have various scooter models available online, in fact, you can often get a discount if you purchase directly online from the company. Medicare may also pay part or all of the scooter bill, and the scooter dealerships can usually help see if you qualify, and handle the medicare billing. However, because comfort and capacity is an important consideration, you should test-drive a scooter before you purchase, if at all possible.
Purchasing a mobility scooter is a large decision, and can positively change the quality of your life. Once you experience the mobility and comfort of a scooter, you may wonder why you waited so long! While the heavy duty mobility scooter models may not be for everyone, they offer more comfort and durability than some of the smaller models, and they are a must if you need one that handles increased capacity.
About The Author
Amy Wells writes on a variety of consumer issues. Considering a scooter? Get accurate and informative mobilityscooter tips and resources at http://www.scooters.yourtechtool.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amy_Wells
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My Idle Runs Too High. This could be due to a throttle cable that is too tight or misrouted. It could also mean you need to turn the idle screw on the carb counterclockwise 1/4 turn. A high idle may be due to a vacuum leak. The rubber manifold between the carb and the cylinder head can crack over time. Try starting the engine and squirting some water around the carb, manifold, and vacuum hoses. If the idle decreases, you have a vacuum leak somewhere.
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Starting fluid. Assuming sufficient compression, Squirt in a bit of starting fluid and see if she'll fire. If so, great! That means that you have sufficient compression and the proper spark. You should get the scooter to run for a second or so on starting fluid. If so there's a good chance you can get it running. One caution here - don't run your engine for very long on starting fluid because it's hard on the engine.
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